

at 10:30 a.m.

430 Morris Avenue

Rockville Centre, NY


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United Church in ten seconds!

Why try United Church?

Maybe you've been away from church for a while. Maybe you've never been associated with a church.

Maybe you're wondering if you'll fit in/find a place of love/be fully embraced.

We urge you to give United Church a try!

We're small, so that makes us feel like family. But we realize that worshiping in a "family" church is tough. When you're visiting, you might feel as if you've been invited to a party where you don't know anyone!

But we want to make it easier on you.

Sit where you feel comfortable. Participate as you feel called, or just sit back and take it all in. Talk with Pastor Scott after worship. Ask questions. We want to enhance your relationship with God! You are welcome here. Bring your questions. Bring your whole self.

Why not drop by this Sunday?

United Church is Progressive

Progress LGBTQ Rainbow Flag

If you're looking for a church home, United Church is a great place to consider. Maybe you haven't been in worship for years. Perhaps you're hesitant about being judged or questioned. Maybe you're riddled with guilt. Perhaps you're wondering if all the negative stuff you read about churches and pastors and judgmental Christians is true or if there really is a congregation of acceptance and open arms. Maybe your heart is telling you that it's time you explored something more.

Maybe you've been burned by a church in the past. You asked a question and as a result your faith was questioned! Not at United Church. We welcome questions and different points-of-view. If you're not sure about this or that, feel free to explore it in a safe, welcoming community.

We're progressive. That means we believe that "God is still speaking" and it's our responsibility as progressive Christians to listen! What is God saying to the world today through our prophets? Our children? Those who struggle with poverty?

We're progressive. That means our understanding of the Biblical text continues to evolve as we experience God's revelations for today's world. What was appropriate for Biblical times just might not work today. Yes, that might get us in trouble with some, but for us, the Bible is a living document, not a rule book. As an example, that whole mixing of fabrics thing you might have heard about (in Leviticus 19:19) doesn't really apply to us today.

We're progressive. We believe in God's created diversity. That's why we welcome our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and non-binary siblings into the full life and fellowship of the congregation. None of this "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff. Your sexuality is not a sin. We believe that God created you to be just the way God wanted you to be. So, hold hands with your partner in worship. You don't need to hide at United Church! Celebrate your relationship in its wonderful diversity.

We're progressive. We don't ask you to tell us what you believe as we know that many things contribute to a person's belief system. Perhaps you struggle with the resurrection of Jesus. We'll help you to consider it in another way! Or maybe you wonder why God allows suffering in the world. We can talk about that together as well. Maybe you just wonder whether there is a God or not. That's tough stuff, but we're here for you as you explore that as well.

We're progressive. That means we're moving forward. We celebrate and learn from what's been, but we also believe that we need to focus on today, even as we prepare for the future. We journey together. We work together. We struggle together. And when something gets in the way, we do our best to figure out a way around, under, or over it! Just as God calls us to do in life.

We're progressive. We want you to live your faith. Don't wall it up in the church. Don't leave it in worship. Take it out into the community. Make your faith inform your life and help it to transform the lives of others. Your faith will inform your relationships. How you interact with the stranger. What you are called to do in your "spare" time. Your faith means a whole 'lot more when you do, when you live it.


Worship starts at 10:30 a.m. and usually lasts 45 minutes to an hour. The main entrance is by the doors with the two flags on Morris Avenue. An accessibility ramp is located on the Princeton side.

Our worship services are different each time we gather, but contain many of the same elements. One week we might start with a hymn, the next week with a praise song from the UCC praise and worship song book, or a simple chorus.

Our time of prayer is an opportunity to praise God for the joys in our lives and to bring to God those things which are making our hearts heavy. We sometimes respond as one to prayers, at other times we're asked to be one with God individually. There are times when we draw on our bulletins in prayer or list the things that are on our minds.

Pastor Scott preaches from the lectionary (an established series of readings from the Bible) in an accessible down-to-earth style. His messages focus on the practical, frequently reminding us of the cost and joy of discipleship in the twenty-first century. Pastor Scott strives to have one "take away" from the message each week.

While we don't currently have childcare available during worship, children are always welcome in worship. Activity stations for children are located in the center of the sanctuary, and right outside the sanctuary doors (where a parent can sit with their child).

United Church Nursery School

Our Mission

At United Church Nursery School, we offer developmentally appropriate programs for children ages 2 through 4 years old with a focus on developing the whole child with careful attention to their spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual and physical growth.

United Church Nursery School is a warm and caring place where children receive the necessary support and guidance required for a positive first school experience. Through gentle facilitation, attention to individual needs, and respect for unique learning styles, children grow in self-confidence and in the ability to relate to one another. Curiosity is nurtured as children learn to experience the world in an expansive way.

The nursery school program is based on our understanding of the developmental characteristics of young children. We believe that play is the primary vehicle through which learning progresses in the early years. Sensitivity to the needs of parents of young children always grounds our efforts. The program is church-related, recognizing that each of us is created in the image of God and a love for all people is vital to a child's development. We welcome children of all faiths and races, respecting the uniqueness of each child, both their gifts and needs.

Our Director, Jacqueline Hoey, and all the staff

at United Church Nursery School look forward to welcoming you and your child!

Contact United Church Nursery School:

Call: 516-766-5635

Email the Director

Latest Information:

Please email or call (516-766-5635) the school to get more information about our programs.

Visit us on Facebook or Instagram to see the school in action during the year!

Looking for a new preschool? Call to inquire about openings for 2024-2025!

About the United Church of Christ

We are part of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a Protestant Christian denomination of about a million members and 5000 churches in the United States. We trace our roots back hundreds of years, beginning with the Congregational churches in the early 1600s. The UCC was formed in 1957, a merger of the Congregational Christian and Evangelical Reformed denominations.

We're a denomination of firsts. We were first to ordain a woman, an African-American, and an openly-gay man to the ministry. We fought against unfair taxation in colonial times (ever hear of the Boston Tea Party?) and started the first foreign mission society. One of our churches even hid the Liberty Bell during the revolutionary war! We also published (through the oldest religious press in the United States) an inclusive and expansive language hymnal (in 1995) and a progressive praise song book in 2009.

Curious about all of our firsts? Click here to learn more.

Ministry Team

PASTOR: Rev. Scott A. Ressman began his pastorate with United Church in August 2014. Prior to coming to Long Island, he served for eight years as the Minister for Worship, Music, and Liturgical Arts at the national setting of the United Church of Christ in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the editor of Sing! Prayer and Praise the praise and worship song book of the UCC. He is also the producer of The New Century Hymnal on CD a 16-CD set of live pipe organ recordings of all 617 hymns in the denominational hymnal. His previous pastorate was at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Andover, Ohio.

DIRECTOR OF NURSERY SCHOOL: Jacqueline Hoey began her ministry with United Church Nursery School in August of 2020. She manages a staff of nineteen teachers and interacts with over 100 families with children enrolled in the school.


Open and Affirming

Over twenty years ago in 2002, United Church had intentional conversation about what it means to be welcoming, especially to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. We voted to become "Open and Affirming" which means we fully support the LGBT community. While it's up to each individual congregation to decide on its own, since each congregation in the UCC is autonomous, we made the bold decision to live an inclusive and expansive faith.

You are safe here.

Many LGBT individuals have left the church. Part of this is because they were judged because of their sexuality. We want you to know that you're safe at United Church. You will be welcomed and embraced. No one will point fingers or pass judgment. If you're an LGBT youth, we want you to be part of the United Church family. Let us know what you need and how we can help you on your journey. Pastor Scott is available to listen and advise. He can relate to what you're going through.

Bring your authentic self to worship.

You are a gifted individual! Maybe no one has told you that lately, but we know that you are. Perhaps you can sing, dance, or paint. Maybe you're a great reader or write great poetry. Or perhaps you're good with a hammer and a saw. Whatever your gifts, we're eager to help you to celebrate and use them for God's church.

Our creativity is only limited by the restraints we put on ourselves.

God designed us with infinite possibilities!

Still have questions?

The best way to get to know us is to worship and fellowship with us! And it takes more than one time to get to know us. So, please worship once, then again, and then again. Talk with those in the congregation. Ask questions. Talk with Pastor Scott. We want you to feel welcome, but sometimes we are too good at letting people just "be" that sometimes folks might feel no one sees them. We want you to be comfortable! But feel free to say, "hey, I'm new here!"

You can call us and talk 516-766-2975 or email us with questions.

Find Us Online

Interested in seeing archived worship services online?

Head over to Pastor Scott's YouTube Channel.

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